About Us
Hawk Sports Industries had accumulated its professional sporting goods manufacturing experience over 21 years ago. We focus on the development of quality products. We cooperate with customers’ requirements not only the theory, but also the real product application constantly. We go to great lengths to actively improve the testing mechanism and build quality control, etc. This is also our professional role in the sporting goods and martial arts industry shows and leads us to be the best, the professional and the diversification of technical orientation companies.
Our main products are sports balls, sports uniforms, boxing and martial arts uniforms.
Since Hawk founded Sports Industries, we all expected to meet the diverse needs of our customers. The same as after the diffusion effect of the global trend, we dedicate in the development of new products, the latest technology research and the highest quality management orientation. We will produce the professional mapping of customers around the world and build a clearer, profitable project plan for customers in advance. And then we will proudly show our professional dyeing.
Our task:
HAWK Sports Industries seeks to become the leading ethical Manufacturer of sports balls and martial arts offers in the country, service
The expansion base of satisfied, international customers. Hawk Sport ensures high quality, cost efficiency and timely Delivery, through professional structures and innovative companies.
We are now in European market and the quality of our products online sale. The company is named in Germany.
Hawk Sports Industries Germany GmbH registered in 2015